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Ways of Playing Rage Cage Drinking Game

Writer's picture: Breakroom 405Breakroom 405

Rage cage drinking game, also known as stack up in Oklahoma City, is one of the most exciting drinking games of all time. It becomes more fun when many players join the party game, which only requires beer, ping pong ball, and cups. This fast-paced ball-drinking game requires at least seven players to make it exciting. Rage Cage is a very flexible game that involves racing elements, teamwork, and strategic gameplay. You might feel that it sounds similar to beer pong, but it is still quite unique on its own. It might be a new thing for all players, so keep reading to know the rules.

Instruction for the Game

Rage Cage is a very fast-paced, exciting game that can surely get you and your friends drunk. The most significant advantage of this game is that it does not need much equipment for the game. It requires three main pieces of equipment, two ping pong balls, beer, and twenty or more cups. If there are twenty drinks on the table, it can accommodate at least 6-8 people in that room, which means three to four cups per person. If you have more cups, the game is going to last for a longer time.

The Aim of the Game

Like all other games, the main aim of the rage cage is to win, but you have to play it with your team so that it will be a team win. If you play it in a winning player way, the person who drinks the least number of beers will win.

Set-Up of the Game

You will fill all the cups with beer but only halfway apart from the cup, which will be at the center of the table. All the cups should be kept in a circle form and close to each other. Once all the cups are set up at the table, all the players should be sitting in a row at the front of the table. The two players in the middle should have a ping pong ball each and be the first to start the game. You need to countdown ‘3...2...1’ and start the game.

Playing the Game

Once the game has started, the two players in the middle that have the ball will choose a cup, drink the beer as quickly as possible, and throw the ball as soon as possible. They will continuously pass the trophy and ball to the next player in a clockwise direction. This will end when one team gets the trophy while the other team is still jumping, and then the losing team stacks their cup clockwise, chooses a cup, drinks the beer, and continues playing. In the end, whoever has consumed the least beer will win the game.

Drink It Less to Win the Game

Rage cage drinking game is an exciting game that needs a proper setup. You can get this setup done for you in Breakroom 405; you need to go and play the game with your friends. Call them to get your bookings done today.

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